All about our instant property valuation model - RealValue
- What is RealValue?
- What can I use RealValue for?
- How accurate are your RealValue results?
- How often is the RealValue updated?
- What are the key factors that RealValue takes into account in generating a valuation?
- Can I use the RealValue generated for purpose of procuring a bank loan?
- How are new launches valued since there are no / limited comparable transactions?
- What if there are no comparable transactions within the same block / development?
- Do you take into account the physical attributes (condition of property) in the valuation of properties?
- Is RealValue available across all asset classes/property groups?
- How is RealValue different from a valuation done by an appraiser?
- What is the radius range that RealAgent use to determine the RealValue results?
- Is there a valuation report that we can generate and export?
- Can we send the valuation to our clients through the app?
- What are the science and methodologies behind your RealValue estimates and how do you derive to your estimated valuations for a property?
- For landed properties, how do you determine prices of Sale and Rent for any single landed property?
- What is the source of your buildup size for landed properties as URA only provided land size in their transaction records?
- How do I check the value of a clustered house (landed) within a condo?