All about RealInvestors - now is RealAgent with more features
- Why am I (RealInvestors subscriber) charged at a higher price as compared to the rates on the RealAgent website?
- What happens after my RealInvestors subscription expires?
- Where can I learn how to use the RealAgent app?
- Can I change the main account holder for RealInvestors to access RealAgent?
- Can the RealInvestors sub-accounts take turn to access the RealAgent app?
- Will the 2 sub-accounts from my RealInvestors subscription be migrated as well?
- What are the differences between RealInvestors and RealAgent?
- Can I still access RealInvestors website?
- Can I log into RealAgent app with RealInvestors account?
- Where can I access the RealInvestors platform?